Under a Wide Sky will be a ‘book of days’ of 366 readings; some readings chosen by me, and many others contributed by people of differing backgrounds, cultures, ages and experience.
The book will cover a wide range of themes arranged within the twelve months of the year (see: Themes). The themes have been chosen to celebrate our common humanity and shared values within a multi-faith and secular world.
What is the vision?
To place side by side readings suggested by people of different faiths, and from secular society, which will emphasise the values, hopes and fears which unite us all, and explore the joys and challenges of living together on our shared planet.
To encourage participation from those excited and encouraged by the idea of being involved in this widely collaborative project at a time of anxiety, turmoil and danger for many people around the world.
You are invited to share any text that you find inspiring, beautiful, challenging or supportive, and which is loosely based on one or more of the chosen themes. Original work, either poetry or prose, is also welcomed for consideration. (see: How to contribute a reading).
The format
You can view Themes and Example Contributions for an impression of how the book will be designed and presented.
An illustration by Steven Jenkins will mark the beginning of each month with its chosen themes. A celebration of the four seasons will also be integrated into the designs.
Not for profit
This is a ‘not for profit’ project. Any profit from sales will go to support the Refugee Council: